November 2013

Visiting Ayatollah Saberi Hamedani

By | November 18th, 2013|All, News, Visits|

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Shia and Catholic interfaith dialogue in Italy

By | November 18th, 2013|All, Cooperations, News, Visits|

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Visiting Ayatollah Musavi Lari

By | November 18th, 2013|All, Visits|

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January 2012

Weekly Lecture 2012/1/18

By | January 18th, 2012|All, Wednesday Lectures|

This week, the weekly conference was dedicated to the report, Mr. Mohammad Mo‘alla gave about his travel to the three countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. In his report, which was presented in English, he talked about the mourning ceremony and also workshops they held for the youths in those countries. He pointed that in Iranian [...]

Weekly Lecture 2012/1/4

By | January 4th, 2012|All, Wednesday Lectures|

This week, the weekly conference was held on Wednesday January 4th, 2012. The topic of the session was “the meaning of seminary studentship and daily issues of the IIIS” which was discussed in the lecture of Dr. Shomali, the Director of the IIIS. He reviewed issues discussed through past weeks and he stressed that seminary studentship [...]