July 2021

By | July 12th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Summer Book Club  A 6 Week Intensive Course 19July-29August UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF HUJ. DR. SHOMALI A complete study of 5 books by Dr. Shomali ("Shi’i Islam", "Lessons on Islamic Beliefs", "Unity of God", "Mary, Jesus and Christianity", "Self-development"); Online weekly sessions with the author; Weekly discussions with KLC students from Canada; Strengthening [...]

July 2019

The Second Round of the Dialogue Between Islam and Christianity

By | July 10th, 2019|Uncategorized|

The second round of the dialogue between Islam and Christianity was held in Nairobi. The second summer round of Islam and Christianity dialogue in cooperation with International Institute for Islamic Studies (IIIS) of Qom and the Catholic University of Tangaza, was held in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. The second summer round of Islam [...]

January 2019

FIFTH Risalat summer course 2019

By | January 20th, 2019|News|

FIFTH RISALAT SUMMER COURSE August 10 to 24, 2019 Islamic Belief System & Imamah Qum, Isfahan & Mashhad Located in the holy city of Qum, the International Institute for Islamic Studies and Risalat International Institute specialise in training scholars and teachers, compiling textbooks on Islamic subjects and offering educational programmes on different continents. IIIS and [...]

MoU between IIIS and Tangaza University College

By | January 19th, 2019|News|

International Institute for Islamic Studies and Tangaza University College have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to formalize their existing relationship and to pave the way for future joint activities. The MoU was signed by H.I. Dr. Seyed Mohammad Reza Mohaddes, Vice Director and Deputy of Research of the Institute and the Vice Chancellor Designate [...]

December 2017

Catholics and Shi’a in Dialogue: v. 1: Studies in Theology and Spirituality

By | December 3rd, 2017|Books, Uncategorized|

Catholics and Shi'a in Dialogue: v. 1: Studies in Theology and Spirituality Catholics and Shi'a in Dialogue: Studies in Theology and Spirituality is the first volume to appear from the proceedings of the Catholic-Shi'a Dialogue initiative which is supported by the following academic and religious institutions: The Centre for Christianity and Interreligious Dialogue, based at the Jesuit Theological Faculty in [...]

A Catholic-Shi’a Dialogue: Ethics in Today’s Society

By | December 3rd, 2017|Uncategorized|

A Catholic-Shi'a Dialogue: Ethics in Today's Society A Catholic-Shi'a Dialogue: Ethics in Today's Society is the third volume to appear from the proceedings of the Catholic-Shi'a Dialogue initiative which is supported by the following academic and religious institutions: The Centre for Christianity and Interreligious Dialogue, based at the Jesuit Theological Faculty in Heythrop College, University [...]


By | December 3rd, 2017|Uncategorized|

Discovering Shi'i Islam Discovering Shi’i Islam is a brief introduction to main issues related to Islam in general and Shi’i Islam in particular. Though simply and clearly written, it is an outcome of more than twenty years of involvement in Islamic studies. The text studies the origins of Shi’i Islam and its sources, i.e. the [...]

Shi’i Islam

By | December 3rd, 2017|Books|

Shi'i Islam: Origins, Faith and Practices In six concise, clearly written chapters, Mohammad A. Shomali provides a scholarly and well-documented introduction to the principal features of Shi'i Islam, an important school of Islamic thought which has gained increasing prominence in recent years. Beginning with an examination of the term "Shi'i" - stressing its occurrence [...]

November 2017

Islamic Belief System

By | November 25th, 2017|Books|

Islamic Belief System The Islamic Belief System gives a complete curriculum of the fundamentals of Islam. It can be used in a school setting or for general knowledge for both the youth and adults. About the Author: Mohammad Ali Shomali is the author of several books, including Ethical Relativism: An Analysis of the [...]

April 2017

The Virtue of Knowledge and Merits of the Knowledgeable

By | April 24th, 2017|All, News, Weekly Lectures|

During six English lectures that were held at the Shrine of Lady Masoumah, H. I. Shomali explained the importance of searching for and gaining knowledge from the Islamic perspective. These lectures were held on the 25th of February, 1st and 7th of March, and 5th, 12th, and 19th of April 2014. During this series of speeches, H.I. Shomali first explained the importance of this topic and then discussed the traditions that have been narrated in this regard. The following is a summary of these traditions: First session, 25th of February, “Importance of Searching for and Gaining Knowledge”: النور الساطع في الفقه النافع؛ ج‌1، ص: 633 (الثالث) قال اللّه تعالى فَسْئَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لا تَعْلَمُونَ* و قد كاد أن يتواتر عن المعصومين (ع) انهم قالوا العلم خزائن و مفاتيحه السؤال فاسئلوا يرحمكم اللّه فإنه يؤجر فيه أربعة السائل و المعلم و المستمع و المحب لهم. وسائل الشيعة، ج‌12، ص: 82‌ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ فَضَّالٍ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ مَرْوَانَ بْنِ مُسْلِمٍ عَنْ ثَابِتِ بْنِ أَبِي صَفِيَّةَ عَنْ سَعْدٍ الْخَفَّافِ عَنِ الْأَصْبَغِ بْنِ نُبَاتَةَ قَالَ: قَالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ ع كَانَتِ الْحُكَمَاءُ فِيمَا مَضَى مِنَ الدَّهْرِ تَقُولُ- يَنْبَغِي أَنْ يَكُونَ الِاخْتِلَافُ إِلَى الْأَبْوَابِ لِعَشَرَةِ أَوْجُهٍ- أَوَّلُهَا بَيْتُ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ لِقَضَاءِ نُسُكِهِ- وَ الْقِيَامِ بِحَقِّهِ وَ أَدَاءِ فَرْضِهِ- وَ الثَّانِي أَبْوَابُ الْمُلُوكِ- الَّذِينَ طَاعَتُهُمْ مُتَّصِلَةٌ بِطَاعَةِ اللَّهِ- وَ حَقُّهُمْ وَاجِبٌ وَ نَفْعُهُمْ عَظِيمٌ وَ ضَرَرُهُمْ «1» شَدِيدٌ- وَ الثَّالِثُ أَبْوَابُ الْعُلَمَاءِ- الَّذِينَ يُسْتَفَادُ مِنْهُمْ عِلْمُ الدِّينِ وَ الدُّنْيَا- وَ الرَّابِعُ أَبْوَابُ أَهْلِ الْجُودِ وَ الْبَذْلِ- الَّذِينَ يُنْفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمُ الْتِمَاسَ الْحَمْدِ وَ رَجَاءَ الْآخِرَةِ- وَ الْخَامِسُ أَبْوَابُ السُّفَهَاءِ- الَّذِينَ يُحْتَاجُ إِلَيْهِمْ فِي الْحَوَادِثِ- وَ يُفْزَعُ إِلَيْهِمْ فِي الْحَوَائِجِ- وَ السَّادِسُ أَبْوَابُ مَنْ يُتَقَرَّبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنَ الْأَشْرَافِ- لِالْتِمَاسِ الْهِبَةِ وَ الْمُرُوءَةِ وَ الْحَاجَةِ- وَ السَّابِعُ أَبْوَابُ مَنْ يُرْتَجَى عِنْدَهُمُ النَّفْعُ- فِي الرَّأْيِ وَ الْمَشُورَةِ وَ تَقْوِيَةِ الْحَزْمِ- وَ أَخْذِ الْأُهْبَةِ لِمَا يُحْتَاجُ إِلَيْهِ- وَ الثَّامِنُ أَبْوَابُ الْإِخْوَانِ- لِمَا يَجِبُ مِنْ مُوَاصَلَتِهِمْ وَ يَلْزَمُ مِنْ حُقُوقِهِمْ- وَ التَّاسِعُ أَبْوَابُ الْأَعْدَاءِ- الَّذِينَ تَسْكُنُ «2» بِالْمُدَارَاةِ غَوَائِلُهُمْ- وَ تُدْفَعُ بِالْحِيَلِ وَ الرِّفْقِ وَ اللُّطْفِ وَ الزِّيَارَةِ عَدَاوَتُهُمْ- وَ الْعَاشِرُ أَبْوَابُ مَنْ يُنْتَفَعُ بِغِشْيَانِهِمْ- وَ يُسْتَفَادُ مِنْهُمْ حُسْنُ الْأَدَبِ وَ يُونَسُ بِمُحَادَثَتِهِمْ. صحيفة الرضا؛ ص: 42 : 11 وَ بِإِسْنَادِهِ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص الْعِلْمُ خَزَائِنُ وَ مِفْتَاحُهَا السُّؤَالُ- فَاسْأَلُوا يَرْحَمْكُمُ اللَّهُ فَإِنَّهُ يُؤْجَرُ فِيهِ أَرْبَعَةٌ- السَّائِلُ وَ الْمُعَلِّمُ وَ الْمُسْتَمِعُ وَ الْمُحِبُّ لَهُ «1» «2» الأمالي (للشيخ الطوسي)؛ ص: 703 1508- 11- وَ رَوَى مُنِيفٌ، عَنْ جَعْفَرِ بْنِ مُحَمَّدِ مَوْلَاهُ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ جَدِّهِ (عَلَيْهِمُ السَّلَامُ)، قَالَ: قَالَ عَلِيٌّ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ): صَبَرْتُ عَلَى مُرِّ الْأُمُورِ كَرَاهَةً وَ أَبْقَيْتُ فِي ذَاكَ الصَّوَابَ مِنَ الْأَمْرِ إِذَا كُنْتَ لَا تَدْرِي وَ لَمْ تَكُ سَائِلًا عَنِ الْعِلْمِ مَنْ يَدْرِي جَهِلْتَ وَ لَا تَدْرِي موسوعة أحكام الأطفال و أدلتها؛ ج‌3، ص: 521 قال رسول اللّه صلى الله عليه و آله: «سائلوا العلماء، و خالطوا الحكماء، و جالسوا الفقراء» «3» […]