About Administrator

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So far Administrator has created 42 blog entries.

January 2012

Weekly Lecture 2012/1/4

By | January 4th, 2012|All, Wednesday Lectures|

This week, the weekly conference was held on Wednesday January 4th, 2012. The topic of the session was “the meaning of seminary studentship and daily issues of the IIIS” which was discussed in the lecture of Dr. Shomali, the Director of the IIIS. He reviewed issues discussed through past weeks and he stressed that seminary studentship [...]

February 2011

IT Potentials for Islamic Preaching

By | February 22nd, 2011|Lectures|

IIIS Lecture on Modern Technology On February 22 2011, IIIS held a lecture with Dr. Alayi. Dr Alayi has an Islamic University in America and since he has been deeply involved with computers from the very beginning of their creation, He has a rich experience on IT and how it has developed. This session was [...]