In order to specialize our student’s research activities, Scientific Societies was approved and established in February 2012 by the institute’s Council of Deputies.

Currently, there are some study projects running in the IIIS’s Student Research Groups. MA, PhD and/or graduate students of the institute form the members of each society. Active participation of students in these groups paves the way for them to focus on their fields of interests in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation. According to the approved protocol, each society must submit their projects to the Council of Deputies; once approved, the society may begin its activity in that field with the institute’s support. Due to the importance of teamwork in research, the IIIS places a great deal of emphasis on student research groups by supporting them financially and providing them with required assistance. In these groups, every member has valuable opportunities to discover his personal talents and capacities.

Topic-based groups: participating in such groups, students can increase their knowledge in a particular subject and area in Islamic studies.

Currently, there are four active student research groups:

  1. Islam & Christianity’s interfaith dialogue
  2. Human Rights
  3. Philosophy of Religion
  4. Theology